

Quick Tips for Car Insurance Rates

Are you aware of what affects your car insurance rates, either positively or negatively? Not a lot of drivers are, so we are going to clear things up in a quick little list! 
Age: below 25, out of luck; ages 50-65, safest drivers ever. 
Gender: sorry boys, the ladies are considered safer than you are. But we’re not gloating (much). 
Marital status: single suckers, married drivers pay less for their rates. 
Location: traffic congested suburbs and/or high crime areas, out of luck; low traffic, low crime areas for the win! 
Driving violations: just hang it up for the next five years or so, or else DRIVE SAFER! 
Type of vehicle: go ahead and drool over that gorgeous old Jag, but at the same time be happy, because your ’97 Grand Am costs way less to insure. 
Credit rating: poor credit or no credit, start taking the bus. 
Education: you are not too cool for school, rack up all the student loans you can, because you’ll be paying less for insurance.